1978, Superior National Forest, Minnesota: Bigfoot Hoaxer Encounters Real Bigfoot


1978, Superior National Forest, Minnesota: Bigfoot Hoaxer Encounters Real Bigfoot

Brian “Catch” Morliss fashioned a set of oversized feet out of wood that he attached to his feet like snowshoes. Then he went leaping through the mud leaving what looked like Bigfoot prints behind him. His hoax had already been covered by the local news when a hiker photographed them.

Thrilled by his success, “Catch” set out to make more tracks. As he was tying on his fake feet, he heard something creep through the bush behind him. He spun around to see a real life breathing Bigfoot looking down at him. Morliss was so scared that he scooted away on his bottom. He claims that he heard the Bigfoot chortling after him.

1978, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota: Boater Sees Bigfoot Carvings


1978, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota: Boater Sees Bigfoot Carvings

Ed Zattara was canoeing in Voyageurs National Park. He noticed a large jutting rock structure ahead so he paddled toward it, thinking it would be a nice place to eat his brown bag lunch.

When he clambered up onto the rocks, Zattara noticed some very odd markings in the stones. He took out his notepad, the one he planned to use to note all the various birds he saw on his trip. He took a few minutes to trace out the crudely carved oddities.

Later, he showed his drawings to a friend of his, Mark Slocumb who was an expert in Native American stone carvings. When Slocumb looked the Zattara’s  markings, he grew very quiet and somewhat scared. He asked again where Zattara had seen them.

Growing alarmed, Zattara demanded answers. Slocumb slowly explained that he had only ever seen markings like this once before, at a very secret and remote location where a shaman had lead him blindfolded. The shaman said that these markings were made by Bigfoot to commemorate the dead. In other words, it was a Bigfoot gravestone that Zattara had eaten his peanut butter and jelly sandwich on.

1962, Devil Tack Lake, Minnesota: Woman Sees Bigfoot Eyes Staring at Her


1962, Devil Tack Lake, Minnesota: Woman Sees Bigfoot Eyes Staring at Her

Joanna Gilmore awoke around 3 AM. She left the tent she shared with her sister Joanie. She was on her way to the outhouse, when something caught her attention in the trees.

At first Joanna thought it was the wind. But then she was convinced she saw a man or monkey jump between branches. She froze where she was and stared as hard as she could into the black night sky. She scanned the inner darkness of the trees. Suddenly, two red glowing eyes blinked open. They stared right at her.

Joanna screamed a little scream and jumped back. She could not take her eyes off the glowing orbs high among the branches. The two were locked together until a small squirrel or other woodland creature made a scurrying sound and the eyes in the trees flicked to spy on the motion.

Joanna, free of the stare of the creature, turned and ran back to her tent. The next morning she returned to the trees where she saw the eyes and found Bigfoot prints all around the tree trunks. Joanna realized that the Bigfoot was not IN the trees, but just nearly as tall as them which gave that impression.

When Joanna told her parents of the encounter, they assured her it was probably an owl. Though she remained dubious of that explanation.

1988, Toomey Williams Road, Minnesota: Bigfoot Trail Found


1988, Toomey Williams Road, Minnesota: Bigfoot Trail Found

Russell Butler visited Pine Island, Minnesota while home for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Butler walked off Toomey Williams Road to relieve himself. While standing there, he noticed that the ground a few feet away looked padded down.

Butler took a closer look at the ground to discover that it appeared to be a trail. Curious, Butler followed the trail. At one point he thought he lost it, but then saw some scratches on a nearby tree that marked the way.  The markings were crudely carved into the bark by a rock or other stone implement.

About 45 minutes later, Butler’s fears were realized. He came to a part of the trail were the ground was clearly marked with large foot prints. He immediately recognized these as Bigfoot imprints. Butler started to notice that there the trees were shaking and strange noises were all around. Gripped with fear, he high tailed it back to the road.

Butler remains convinced that he was followed out of the woods by several large Bigfoot that day. If he had continued to follow the trail, he is sure they would have attacked him.

1945, Kabetogama State Forest, Minnesota: Man Disappears Hunting Bigfoot


1945, Kabetogama State Forest, Minnesota: Man Disappears Hunting Bigfoot

After several weeks where dogs went missing, trash bins ransacked, and other strange happenings in Kabetogama, John Simon declared that the township had been invaded by a Bigfoot. As evidence he produced several plaster casts of large apelike foot impressions, a tangle of brownish yellow hair, and photographs of powerful claw marks.

His fellow residents dismissed all this as the rantings of a crank. Simon claimed to see UFOs in the skies at least once a month, claimed to have been a spy during the war and in possessions of a serum that gave him super-health.

When Simon packed up enough camping supplies to last him several months, announced he was off to track the Bigfoot,  no one paid much attention either. Simon was gone over six months before his friends and relations started to worry. A search party was organized. They scoured the State Forest for months. The State Police even got involved for a few weeks, organizing hundreds of volunteers and even bringing in a helicopter.

No trace was ever found of John Simon. But people did notice the strange doings stopped just after he left to hunt the Bigfoot.

1982, Whiteface Reservoir, Minnesota: Man’s Claims of Killing Bigfoot Challenged


1982, Whiteface Reservoir, Minnesota: Man’s Claims of Killing Bigfoot Challenged

Milton Featherbane brags to his friends that while hunting over the weekend he shot and killed a 12 foot tall Bigfoot.  Featherbane made a detailed description of the creature that sounded suspiciously similar the the Bigfoot on that one episode of The Six Million Dollar Man.  An episode that everyone knew had just been shown in rerun the previous week.

Featherbane, undeterred, told his friends that he could and would produce the Bigfoot body, if they “made damn sure that I get all the credit and attention from this incredible find!”  Laughing at their buddy, Featherbane’s friends went as far as to sign a contract stating without a doubt that Featherbane would get all the fame and money.

Featherbane took a group of his friends to his father’s barn.  Inside was a large wooden crate full of ice, embedded in the ice was a very poor plastic ape decoration.  His friend, Earl, recognized the ape figure from the local dump.

Featherbane made the defense that “that is where the Bigfoot would be, if I did not ate him up.”