1978, Six Rivers National Forest, California: Hikers Smell Bigfoot


1978, Six Rivers National Forest, California: Hikers Smell Bigfoot

Edward Rousey and Mike Doland were hiking in Six Rivers Forest. Suddenly, everything around them got eerily quiet. No birds chirped. Not a single bug buzzed around. Even the light breeze seemed to die down.

Mike jumped when he heard a loud rustling to their left. Just as Ed stepped toward the noise, both men froze when they heard twigs snapping behind them. They feared they were surrounded. That is when they smelled it.

Or they smelled it before they heard it. A rancid stench that was part rotten eggs, onion, and the worst acid smell they ever smelled. It was clear that just a few feet away from them a Bigfoot had just relieved itself.

The two men slowly backed away, creeping back along the path they had just hiked. While the idea of catching a glimpse of a Bigfoot or gathering some scat was really appealing to them, the stench was overpowering. Both agreed it was close to getting pepper sprayed.

2011, Clarington, Ohio: Zip Liners Fly Over Bigfoot in Ohio River


2011, Clarington, Ohio: Zip Liners Fly Over Bigfoot in Ohio River

Maureen Levy was zip ling across the Ohio River just outside of Clarington, Ohio. She and her boyfriend Daniel McGovern were about half way over the river, when Dan started waving his arm and pointing frantically for Maureen to look down.

Maureen was a little bit behind Dan and had only agreed to this extreme date on the condition that Dan would not pull any of his stupid pranks. Suspecting something gross, Maureen reluctantly looked down toward where Dan was waving his pointing finger.

Maureen gasp as she realized that there was a huge Bigfoot swimming across the River. It was at least the size of her dad’s old Buick and she could see its dark skin through its wet fur. Bigfoot was an awkward swimming and was splashing more than it was swimming.

Just as Maureen zipped over the creature, it seemed to see her and spit water into the air. Of course, she was too high over the River for it to even come close to hitting her.

Dan got a pretty good look at the Bigfoot too, but he was not totally convinced it was not a bear or some other sort of creature swimming across the river. Maureen broke up with Dan about a month later.