1989, Dragon Run State Forest, Virgina: Hunters See Bigfoot Eyes


1989, Dragon Run State Forest, Virgina: Hunters See Bigfoot Eyes

Alvin Carter and his brother Jamie and their father Frank had spent the day hunting in Dragon Run Forest. They did not come across any game all day. Frank seeing the disappointment in his son’s eyes, came up with a novel solution. He went into their cooler and set upĀ  row of soda pop cans along a fallen tree.

Then he let the boys take turns shooting at the cans. The younger boy, Alvin, was a much better shot than his older brother Jamie. After Alvin hit three of the six soda cans lined up, Frank told Alvin he had to let his brother hit the other half.

While Frank helped Jamie with his accuracy, Alvin grew bored watching his brother miss the targets. Alvin started looking through the sight on his rifle, scanning the scrubs behind his father and brother. Just as he was about to put the gun down and ask if they could head home, he saw something that totally startled him.

He saw two glowing red eyes staring at the trio. Alvin figured the eyes to be about 35 yards from them. Alvin tried to get the attention of his father, but was only answered with annoyance. Alvin watched the glowing red eyes watch them. Then he clearly saw a Bigfoot stand up, shake itself like a dog, and walk off in the other direction.

No amount of trying could convince Alvin’s brother or father of what he saw. Plus Alvin was warned that if he mentioned it to his mother, Alvin would not be allowed hunting ever again.

1966, Baseline Road, San Bernadido, California: Teen Girls Menaced by Bigfoot


1966, Baseline Road, San Bernadido, California: Teen Girls Menaced by Bigfoot

Annie Meeks, 15, and her friend, Brenda Washburn, 14, were walking aimlessly around the undeveloped area along Base Line Road. They spent most of the summer slowly meandering up one side, then down the others side of the dead end road.

Often they ran into other teenagers. Sometimes there might be an impromptu beer party. OtherĀ  times, everyone just sat on tree stumps and swatted the mosquitoes, just hanging out.

This particular afternoon felt off, in a strange way. Kinda like how it felt inside the house before a big thunderstorm. Annie had just noticed a Robin Red Breast flying along neck to neck with two Blue Birds. Just as she was about to mention it to Brenda, Annie felt a strong jerk on her arm.

Annie noticed that there was a massive hand, three or four times stronger than the strongest football player she knew of, Burt Gibbode. Annie was disgusted by the hairy paw like feel of the hand, as well as its excessive moisture. The skin had the same texture of a dishrag.

Brenda started to scream when she heard Annie squeal in pain. Annie screamed in fear when she saw that the hand belonged to a Bigfoot. Over 10 feet tall and soaking wet, its platinum blonde fur, and smelled like moth balls and used kitty litter.

The girls’ screaming must have startled the monster because its eyes got every big and then it let out a little squeak of displeasure before letting go of Annie and running into the woods.

The girls sprinted all the wall to the local police station where their story was dismissed as a prank devised by the girls in a moment of summer reading boredom.

2002, Ricketson Bay area, Georgia: Police Officer Encounter


2002, Ricketson Bay area, Georgia: Police Officer Encounter

Officer Chris Murray set up a speed trap along GA-64 just along Ricketson Bay. He had nabbed a few speeders, but the traffic was actually really light for the day after the Fourth of July.

Officer Murray looked at the clock, only an hour left to his shift. He figured he would head back to the station in about ten minutes. That is when his cruiser started bouncing. His police car was in park and idling, so the car was not causing this bouncing. Officer Murray checked his rear view mirror. To his sudden horror he saw a huge muscular and very hairy Bigfoot pushing down on the trunk of the cruiser.

The monster’s beady red eyes burrowed right into Officer Murray’s soul. When the Bigfoot raised its right arm to swipe at the back window, Officer Murray threw his car into drive and sped off into the road. He took off at top speed. He did not look back nor did he turn on his sirens.

Officer Chris Murray reported that a large raccoon fell on his trunk while he was sitting in his speed trap. He knew if he mentioned the Bigfoot attack, he would be put on permanent desk duty and have to talk to the Union shrink like that time he said he saw the UFO. But this time was different. Real different.

1963, Table Rock Lake, Missouri: Bigfoot Almost Causes an Accident


1963, Table Rock Lake, Missouri: Bigfoot Almost Causes an Accident

Erica Clemons was driving from her family’s campsite near Table Rock Lake. She was cruising along Bread Tray Mountain Road on her way to the small local grocery store to pick up a can opener that her husband forgot to pack.

It was early evening and the sun was just about to set, Erica took note of the way the sun played in the trees. Just as her car turned around a steep bend in the road, she slammed on her brakes. The family’s station wagon screeched and swerved in to the other lane.

Standing in the middle of the road, about twenty five yards from Erica’s front bumper was a gigantic Bigfoot. Erica had heard her husband tell the kids bedtimes stories about the gentle monster that lived in the Missouri woods. She did not approve of the stories then, and now looking creating her very own story, she was even more upset.

Erica remembers waving at the Bigfoot to move. She yelled through her closed windows. The creature seemed to shrug at her before continue its slow lumbering pace across the road. Erica remembers thinking that it really did seem the Bigfoot was taking his time on purpose.