1973, Apalachicola River, Florida: Man Sees Bigfoot UFO Circle


1973, Apalachicola River, Florida: Man Sees Bigfoot UFO Circle

Fisherman Gordon Marash was walking to his favorite fishing site before dawn. He stopped to adjust the dial on his small transistor radio when he saw a bright light emerge from the sky. It appeared from behind a group of dark clouds. It started to descend.

Curious, Marash ran toward the descending light. After a few yards, he stopped in his tracks. In front of him maybe 100 yards, was a circle of torches. Marash feared he stumbled upon some criminal enterprise. But was unable to quell his curiosity, so he crept closer to get a better look.

Marash became horrified by what he saw. Standing in a large circle were a group of 8 to 10 Bigfoot. Most of them were holding crude torches, while others stood with their heads turned skyward. All were humming or moaning.

The light in the sky appeared over the group. A spotlight clanged on illuminating the circle of gray and black and red ape creatures with large feet and yellow glowing eyes. Gently each Bigfoot was lifted into the air and taken into the silver saucer in the sky.

Marash felt trapped, like he was in a nightmare, unable to move or even breathe. Paralyzed he watched as all the Bigfoot were taken into the saucer. Then the saucer hovered, spinning faster and faster, before zipping off into the sky.

To this day, Marash is uncertain what he saw was real or if it was a bad dream.

1941, Happy Jack Logging Camp, Arizona: Bear Chased by Bigfoot


1941, Happy Jack Logging Camp, Arizona: Bear Chased by Bigfoot

Lumberjacks Ezra Stretchan and Jack Fischer returned to their cabin at Happy Jack camp. They were getting ready for dinner, Stretchan was outside smoking a cigarette when he called for Fischer to come outside as quickly as possible.

The annoyed Fischer stuck his head out of the cabin door to see what Stretchan was so riled up about. Fischer saw one of the largest black bears he ever laid on upon running full tilt down the side of the hill.

Just as Stretchan was about to speculate on what scared that bear off, the two loggers saw a “huge, red gorilla-like giant crash through the cedars.” The monster was over 15 feet tall, with powerful rippling muscles and feet that defied all science.

The two loggers stood petrified as the creature lumbered down the side of the hill, growling and grunting as it slowly chased after the running bear.

While neither Stretchan nor Fischer talked about what they saw until years later, Fischer admitted that the two went out and bought shotguns to keep in their cabin with their next paychecks.

1983, Backbone State Park, Iowa: Snowmobile Riders Hear Howls


1983, Backbone State Park, Iowa: Snowmobile Riders Hear Howls

While riding their rented snowmobiles along some trails in Backbone Park, Amanda and her brother Bert Vikingstone heard a deep, sonorous rumbling that caused them to stop. Fearing something was wrong with one of the motors of the snowmobiles, Bert cut his engine while ordering his sister to keep hers idling.

Listening carefully to the hum of the motor, Bert and Amanda were startled to hear the rumbling grow in pitch and volume. The noise became a whoop that shook the tree tops. Amanda turned off her snowmobile and the two siblings sat listening to the noisy undulations.

The whoop turned into a shriek before it suddenly ceased. Frightened now, the brother and sister started the snowmobiles, turned around and raced back the way they came.

Later, while Amanda tried to imitate the sound they heard, the owner of the snowmobile rental informed the pair that they were lucky because they had heard the cries of a Bigfoot. Some people wait their whole lives and never ever hear even a peep.

Amanda believed what they heard was a Bigfoot, while Bert remains incredulous.

1994, Cross Timbers State Park, Kansas: Bigfoot Peeks In Cabin


1994, Cross Timbers State Park, Kansas: Bigfoot Peeks In Cabin

Garry Montcliff had rented a cabin at Cross Timbers on Toronto Lake. Montcliff planned a week of relaxation, hiking, and working on his novel.

On the third night of his vacation, Montcliff was disturbed from his late dinner by sounds just outside the cabin window. Montcliff describes the sound like a class of fourth graders parading past the cabin. Still chewing a mouthful of his dinner, Montcliff inched toward the window hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever animal was outside.

Montcliff was startled to find when he peeled the window curtain back two huge red eyes peering in. Once Montcliff got his bearings, he recognized the gigantic ape features as a black fur Bigfoot. The creature’s breath fogged the window. The two locked eyes before the Bigfoot snorted and stood fully upright. The stunned Montcliff watched as the monster padded off into the darkness.

To scared to leave the cabin the rest of the night, Montcliff did not sleep. The next day, he crept outside to investigate the spot where the Bigfoot stood. He measured the footprints at 14.7 inches long and 10.9 inches wide.

2000, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska: Bigfoot Technology Unearthed


2000, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska: Bigfoot Technology Unearthed

Dr. Armando Redlawn and his archaeological team uncovered strange artifacts while excavating the coast of Mink Island in the Katmai National Park.

The artifacts consisted of a strange musical instrument surrounded by necklaces of semiprecious stones underneath a unusually wide wooden boat. Upon further investigation, Dr. Redlawn became convinced that these artifacts were not of human origin. The age and craftsmanship was unlike any other indigenous people’s crafts.

Dr. Redlawn and his team ran some sensitive scientific tests which determined that the beads were carved with stone tools and the wood used in the boat construction came from hundreds of miles away. Dr. Redlawn theorized that the boat and artifacts were part of the Great Bigfoot Migration. Dr. Redlawn speculates that due to tribal tensions a group of Bigfoot left the California coastal area by boat to slowly move up toward Alaska.

Dr. Redlawn refuses to share anything but the most grainy photographs of his findings with the public. Dr. Redlawn justifies this by claiming that Bigfoot Scholarship is filled with cranks and quacks.