2012, Olympic National Park, Washington: Bigfoot Clearly Photographed


2012, Olympic National Park, Washington: Bigfoot Clearly Photographed

Jason Hawes was hiking in Olympic National Park when he came upon a Bigfoot slowly walking along in the woods.

Hawes took out his camera and snapped over 20 really great photographs of the monster.

“They were really great clear pictures, you could even count the hairs on the Bigfoot’s back,” Hawes claims.

But sadly, the world will never see these photographs, because shortly after taking them, Hawes smoked a lot of dope in celebration. Sometime after Hawes lost his camera. It may have fallen down a crevice. It might have dropped in a stream. Hawes might have left it sitting on a log.

Hawes was so stoned he does not remember.

2012, Freeman Park, Texas: Boy Sees Bigfoot Making Prints


2012, Freeman Park, Texas: Boy Sees Bigfoot Making Prints

11 year old Noah Dove was riding his new bike around in circles in Freeman Park. At first he thought he saw teenagers were stomping around in the bushes. But as he zoomed closer, Dove smelled something horrible.

Dove said it was like a million farts and a million skunks exploded at the same time. The bad smell only made him more curious to see what gross thing might be hiding in the bushes. But as he got closer he heard these big thuds. Scary thuds.

Dove squinted to get a better look into the bushes. Because squinting helps you see clearer and farther. What Dove glanced through the branches was a beast. A hairy monster with big red eyes and hair like a wet dog.

Dove turned around and sped off toward home as fast as he could. He was pretty sure that the monster would have thought he was super delicious. Later, a friend of his Willy Gumble, said that the park rangers said they found Bigfoot foot prints in Freeman.

Dove told everyone he knew that he saw the monster that made those prints. All his friends, only, kind of believed him.

2012, Sproul State Forest, Pennsylvania: Snowmobile Driver Sees Bigfoot


2012, Sproul State Forest, Pennsylvania: Snowmobile Driver Sees Bigfoot

College student Jason McDonald drove his snowmobile along Pete’s Run Trail. It was a quiet afternoon and there were no other people around. As McDonald passed a row of trees, he heard a terrible knocking sound. He stopped the snowmobile because he thought something was wrong with it.

Then he saw two of the trees shaking. The snow fell from their branches. McDonald felt he was in a movie watching something emerge from the woods. Just then, he saw the back outline of a 10 foot tall man walk between the trees. It turned its head to look at McDonald.

McDonald was certain from the slump of its shoulders and the way it turned its neck, he looked right at a real life Bigfoot. McDonald watched as the creature moved back and forth, shaking the trees. Then it turned and walked off in the other direction.

McDonald was too scared to go after it or even go toward the trees to examine the footprints. He just started his snowmobile and sped out of the area.

2012, Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia: Turkey Hunting Bigfoot


2012, Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia: Turkey Hunting Bigfoot 

Caleb Sarka and his Grandfather Jim were walking along a ridge near Smith Mountain Lake. On side there was a low grassy area. On the other, a steep slope. Caleb wanted to try climbing up the slope, but his Grandfather said no. It rained and he did not want to take a muddy boy back home.

As they discussed this, Caleb lost interest. Distracted by the group of turkeys. Feeling bad for the boy’s sense of adventure, his grandfather suggested Caleb to see how close he could get to a turkey. Caleb bet he could just about touch one. His grandfather chuckled as the turkeys flew away just as Caleb started down the slope.

Caleb’s look of disappointment quickly changed to surprise. Both boy and grandfather heard a terrifying scream. More like a growling hoot, the sound came from all around them. Caleb ran back up the ridge. His grandfather said it must be kids trying to scare them. Caleb was not convinced but agreed.

They walked on. About five minutes later, they stopped dead in their tracks by a loud thundering noise. Then the ground shook. Like when construction crews drop something on the road they are going to dig up. Caleb and his grandfather agreed that something weird was happening.

Just as they left the woods, the hooting screams got more intense. The anger conveyed was fierce. Caleb is convinced that the turkeys he scared off were being hunted by several bigfoot. They were really mad that he cost them their supper. Caleb’s grandfather agrees that whatever they heard was odd, indeed.