1969, Ross Lake, Washington: Campers See Blurs in the Trees


1969, Ross Lake, Washington: Campers See Blurs in the Trees

While camping with his family, Bill George Rochon, claims that he saw something moving around the tops of the trees.

Rochon tells how after his family went to sleep, he sat up near the dying camp fire smoking his pipe. He heard the trees rustling and whipping around like they would during a storm. But there wasn’t a cloud in the sky nor a hint of a breeze.

Rochon stood up and moved toward the noises. That is when he saw several large ape sized blurs jump from tree to tree. They were almost silent, except for the sound they made launching and landing.

Rochon grew concerned for his family. He thought about shouting or throwing stones at the blurs, but then thought better of it. Since whatever was in those trees, seemed to be minding its own business.

Rochon finished his pipe and went to bed. The next day, he told his family about what he witnessed. His son Georgie was convinced his dad saw some baby Bigfoot.