2009, Zaleski State Forest, Ohio: Bigfoot Petunia Garden


2009, Zaleski State Forest, Ohio: Bigfoot Petunia Garden

While mushroom hunting in Zaleski State Forest, Bryce Hamilton stumbled upon a clearing in the woods. The clearing was circled with tree stumps and the stumps ringed with an ivy chain. At first, Hamilton was hesitant to enter the ring, until he realized that the entire area within the ring was filled with petunias. Petunias are Hamilton’s favorite flower.

He gingerly climbed over the delicate ivy chain to enter the circle. As Hamilton made his way around the petunia garden, he was amazed at the health and vitality of the flowers. Just as Hamilton was about to pick a few to put in his mushroom sack, he heard a loud and angry growl that turned into a howling shout.

Hamilton, realized that he was trespassing on a Bigfoot Petunia garden. He had heard that the creatures love petunias and eat them like candy.

Hamilton is convinced that, had, he picked a few of the flowers he would be dead today, since the Bigfoot would have been soooo angry it would have killed him. As it was Hamilton leapt over the ivy chain and high tailed it out of the area.