1906, Big Hole National Forest, Montana: The Surveyor and the Boulder


1906, Big Hole National Forest, Montana: The Surveyor and the Boulder

Tim Fisano was hired by the Federal Government to survey the newly created Big Hole National Forest in Montana. Fisano had worked since dawn setting up his Y-Level and plum bobs.

He took a break to organize his notes, sitting on the edge of a large rocky section of terrain. He had his papers spread out weighed down by little rocks and pebbles he obsessively pocketed throughout the day.

Fiano heard a scraping noise above him. Then a shower of dirt and debris pelted his papers. He looked up just in time to see a huge creature push against a boulder at the edge of the cliff. Fisano quickly leaped out of the way as the boulder crashed down upon his notes. If he had not moved he would have been killed.

Fisano looked up to see the hairy wildman beating its chest and howling like a hundred wolves. When Fisano reported this to his superiors, they told him in confidence that he narrowly escaped an attack by a Bigfoot. This particular Bigfoot had been troubling rangers and other hikers in the area for years. Many disappeared without a trace. Fisano was dubious.