1866, Hemptead, Texas: General George Armstrong Custer Displays Bigfoot Head


1866, Hemptead, Texas: General George Armstrong Custer Displays Bigfoot Head

General George Armstrong Custer in order to enforce his draconian ban on foraging undertook extreme measures. He flogged his troops, shaved their heads, and even staged mock executions where he spared the condemned at the last possible moment.

But his most extreme and flagrantly offensive tactic was to display the severed head of a Bigfoot that some of his men had shot and killed thinking the gentle creature a hostile combatant.

The three Native American guides that traveled with General Custer’s regiment warned that to kill a Bigfoot was to curse yourself to certain and humiliating death. General Custer laughed in their faces and made the Native Americans carry the pike with the the Bigfoot head.

Of course, only a few short years later, General Custer became famous for the most humiliating deaths in history.