1988, First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park, Montana: Bigfoot Rides a Buffalo


1988, First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park, Montana: Bigfoot Rides a Buffalo

Eric Killan claims that while camping in the flats of First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park, he saw something truly amazing and possibly unbelievable.

Killan was sitting in the sun watching a hawk circle above him, when he noticed a line of dust off to the right. He went into his tent to get his binoculars. When he aimed the spy glasses at the dust, he nearly dropped the binoculars.

He is sure he saw a large North American Primate riding a buffalo. Killan is certain it was a young Bigfoot that straddled the buffalo as it ran in a straight line across the plain. When he was able to dig out his camera the buffalo was no longer running. And the bigfoot was no where to be seen.

Killan is certain he saw what he saw, even though he had eaten a lot of mescaline that morning with breakfast.