2012, Rocky Gutter Wildlife Park, Massachusetts: Two Boys Discover a Decapitated Bigfoot Foot


2012, Rocky Gutter Wildlife Park, Massachusetts: Two Boys Discover a Decapitated Bigfoot Foot

Two boys, Gilbert Simons and Bobby Anderson, were playing guns in the woods while their fathers sat and talked.  Gilbert crawled into the hallow of a log to get a good sniper’s position on the invisible enemy, when Bobby started screaming.

Bobby was screeching for Gilly to come quick.  “I knew he wasn’t playing,” Gilbert said, “so I ran over.  And that is when I saw it.”

What the boys found was a reddish, slightly decomposed foot.  How the foot got to the park and how it was cut from the rest of its body are still matters of speculation.  The boys’ fathers took to the foot to the police.

After an extensive search, that even included Milo the Police dog, no other body parts were uncovered.  The local coroner has yet to release her full findings, but has titillated the news crews by announcing that the foot is, “unlike any human or animal foot” she’s ever come across.

For their part, the boys are convinced it is a Bigfoot foot that they found.  “I am just worried about what happened to the rest of the big guy,” Bobby told us.

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